Patch 66.7

Oct. 12, 2022 patch


Patch notes:

• As many of you requested, we sped up the weapon progression for Tiers 4 and 5. Now the weapons progress almost twice as fast for these tiers to be unlocked: 41% faster for Tier 4 and 46% faster for Tier 5.
• PvP matches will start when all 12 players have joined the game room. It required just 6 players to start a PvP match before.
• Fixed bug when a player could spawn under the map in Expedition.
• Another fix for the Expedition's Power Stones (aka Urchin) encounter, which could not be completed. To our dismay, we cannot reproduce this bug in the Studio, so please accept our apologies that the previous fixes did not work. We do hope the current fix will be successful.