Steam Compensation
Compensate Your Game Account From Steam to Epic Games
Players who installed Shatterline on Steam during Early Access and connected their Steam accounts to the Epic Games Store accounts, will receive Compensation Packs.
Founder's Pack (if purchased by a player during Early Access)
Duck weapon trinket (pre-Alpha reward, only for pre-Alpha players)
Frag Lab trinket (for the owners of the trinket)
Shatterline weapon patch (for the owners of the patch)
Ranked Badge Icons (if you received ranked badge icons for specific seasons, these will transfer)
Premium Battle Pass
Early Access Nameplate, with a unique additional Nameplate for players who spent over 100 hours in Early Access
Community Chosen Weapon Skin: Golden AR Zenith, never to be sold or given in the game again
Players with 1000+ hours of gameplay receive Premium Founder's Packs